I started in 1989 as a Site and Drainage Engineer in Orlando in a three-person shop. Topo Survey to Stakeout and everything in between.
The "non-corridor" foundation (as the "corridor people" put it) always had me exploring the edges of the corridor-heavy InRoads and OpenRoads products.
At Bentley, I wrote a lot of the site-related training content, include the port of GEOPAK's Site Modeler over to InRoads. I worked with initial integrations of SiteOps to OpenSite.
I actually like the Site Grading in OpenRoads. It fits in the OpenRoads platform naturally, it's not "different tech, glommed on to Road stuff". There's a simple directness that I like, surprisingly more than C3D's grading tools.
See JeffMartinPE.com Site for more information