First: I do not "develop websites".  I simply document my thoughts, results and value and share it to an easily sharable and navigable medium.

Creating a webpage (joomla article) and making it findable (via navigation and the SmartSearch functionality) takes me little more time than documenting in Word or Excel.  It's easier for me to keep track of complex projects via a web than it is for me to manage via the labyrinth of email, local files of varying types, local file systems, shared files systems (and their varied login credentialing).  

High utility, low overhead.

I also can easily control who has view, edit, creation control and how Registered Users can contribute?  Do you want forums/discussion groups?  It's easy enough.

Access Control

Joomla has robust User Controls and Access-levels.  It's easy to share data with everyone who needs it and no one more.

Here's a video showing how I manage three major projects for a client and allow the members of each agency to have access only to the approved content for their agency:  Multiple-client Multi-access Level project communication


  • Navigation
  • Search


  • User Groups can be allowed Article Editing and Article Creation permissions.
  • Would you like Discussion Groups for team participation?  Easy to do.

This website is an example of a Joomla public website.  Some of my others are listed below (some are broadcast-only, others have logins for other contributors):

Note that they are not particularly fancy.  It's easy to apply a variety of themes to them. I'm just more interested in the content at this point.

Basically, if you can imagine it, I can do it for you.  My default, though, is minimal overhead:  curated content, context, navigability, findability.

Web Coordination

Web Tech: Joomla