Jeff Martin, PE, has been using, supporting, training, and developing Bentley Civil Software (and its Intergraph precursors) for over 30 years.  He has been developing training, delivering training, supporting and implementing the OpenRoads Designer software platform continuously since before its release in June 2013.  

"Fun is an overlooked metric of a quality.  Good, quality processes are fun processes.  Make things fun."

I have three "professional" websites, each with their own scope (with some overlap):

  • is the business/services-focused site.
  • is OpenRoads support content.  I'll be sharing detailed tips, training and other content there.
  • is an overly detailed history of my professional career.  It's kind of my ongoing memoir/blog.  It also hosts some thought leadership ideas like The Six-Ball Juggle

I am responsible for the content and layout of my sites.  I type every word (although it looks like AI content is the next Big Disruption (I should sacrifice precision to get ahead of that revolution, but I still think deliberation matters).  I build sites with Joomla!   

My "fun" public sites include:

  • - a guide for beginning stargazers
  • - my son is finishing up his competitive sports career as a senior this year.  I switch my "hobby time" from astronomy to volleyball photography to memorialize these timeless moments.